Why we love PerfectTilt motorised plantation shutters!

Why we love PerfectTilt motorised plantation shutters!


Norman’s PerfectTilt motorised plantation shutters embody the art of convenience being operated by quiet and energy-efficient solar-powered motors and controlled with an intuitive SmartDial remote. Our motorisation is the perfect solution for hard-to-reach windows.

Some of the things we love about PerfectTilt

The Rechargeable Batteries – Each moisture-resistant motor module is powered by rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, with an integrated solar panel that extends the life of the battery charge. Allowing you to continue to enjoy your motorised shutters without having to regularly change batteries… ideal for those hard-to-reach windows which are a pain to get to.

The Intuitive Remote – The SmartDial remote comes with 8 pre-programmed louvre positions, one custom position with remote buttons and over 30 custom louvre positions operational with the dial. Allowing you to tailor your shutters to a position that suits you – whether that means more light or more privacy. Plus you can control a room of shutters or every shutter in the house meaning you don’t have to go around the house individually closing or opening your louvres.

The iOS Connectivity – Norman offers the option of controlling your shutters via an iOS app that when paired with the hub enables remote control through iPhone or iPad devices. This means you can reduce the number of remotes in your home. The app also allows you to easily monitor the power levels for each motor on your shutters so you can avoid unnecessarily changing the batteries.

The Home Automation – Automate your shutters to open and close at different times of the day to suit your schedule. Not only does this allow you to set the louvre movement to maximise energy efficiency, but also optimises your house’s natural light. A massive benefit when you look at the rising energy prices! Plus you can add personalised scenes which is a feature that allows you to set different louvre positions for different environments/situations. For example – ‘security scene’ gives the appearance of someone being at home by automatically opening and closing your louvres throughout the day – providing that extra piece of mind while you’re away from your home.

The Anti-jam Technology – Our motorised shutters come with obstruction detection which identifies if there is an object between the louvres prohibiting it from closing. This means you can feel at ease knowing you will avoid damage to your louvres because nothing will get jammed in them while closing (including little fingers or animal paws!). This feature also allows you to operate the louvres by hand without affecting the motor, perfect for when you can’t find the remote.

To find out more about our motorisation, book in for an in-home consultation with one of our trusted retail partners today!